Saturday, April 27, 2013

illustrated recipes: april (with design sponge)

Well, this month's recipe comes a little late because it was waiting around for anzac day to make its appearance on design sponge, where i had the honour to be featured this week.
lamingtons are a bit of an aussie icon, but do require a bit of baking skill, and a bit of delicate rolling in chocolate and coconut at the end. because neatness and baking are not my forte, it was design sponge's lovely food and drink editor Kristina Gill who braved the task of actually making them! You can see the post here.

So here you go. cheers to the Anzacs, cheers to design sponge, and cheers to the ol' lamington.

this print can be bought here as usual.

and here are Kristina's lamingtons. yum!


thefolia said...

The most adorable recipes--they get me excited about cooking and baking! Love all your sketches, they are all so sweet. Happy Nesting!

Lulu Z. said...

i love your art and it's very inspirational as well. I would like to know which type of pens/art tools I should start with. Thanks!

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